Welcome to personas: why I created this course

Whoever understands the customer best wins! I wholeheartedly believe that.

Many times, when marketing campaigns fail to generate the number of qualified leads you want, it's because there is no persona to guide the campaign. Or the persona is incomplete or built on faulty assumptions. When you don't have a persona to illustrate for you what your target market cares about and how they make purchase decisions, you will develop the wrong messaging. Your content and offers won't hit the mark. You'll fail to connect with your prospects and turn them into buyers. And, frankly, you can't afford that!

Now, it's one thing to have a mountain of market research at your finger tips. But, what do you do when you have limited resources, dollars, and knowledge about your target market? How do you start to build a persona hypothesis? This is a very common problem found in many companies. You'll find it in Fortune 500 companies, and you'll find it in the newest startups. I've been there. I know. That's why I created this course.

This course offers you more than just a persona template. This course reveals the secrets behind the 3 core dimensions a world-class persona requires. Without all 3 of these, your persona will not be very helpful. Learn the secrets of a world-class template, see example personas created by real marketers, and discover how to use the persona exercise to navigate internal politics so you can execute your marketing campaigns with more confidence than ever before! And these techniques apply equally well whether you are a marketing employee of a Fortune 500 enterprise, a small company, or a marketing consultant hired to guide a Fortune 500 company.

Lastly, you'll download the Persona Template in lecture 9. I don't want you to see it yet because it's important to understand the background first.

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