SwiftUI Views - the Bible of all SwiftUI code and how to's - by Mark Moeykens - Get the links here

You need this book if you want to code with SwiftUI

This is the most definitive SwiftUI book written to date...(this is what Apple should have done)...every piece of SwiftUI styling code for every SwiftUI view, is in here...all the modifiers, views, and every other component, and, how to use EACH one with coded examples are here. Trust me, when you look at this almost 500 page book with over 400 illustrations, your coding search will be nearly over for anything pertaining to styling and coding, and how to use  ALL of SwiftUI's components...I put the link for that book by Mark Moeyken's, and his other resource links below. (This is the SwiftUI bible) - Mark has been hailed as a top Swift programmer by Paul Hudson and others, and has over 20 years of programming experience. But its his ability to teach and translate SwiftUI coding with full color illustrations and easy to understand examples that sets him apart from the rest. Now is the time to master SwiftUI.


SwiftUI Views - The definitive guide to coding and styling everything in SwiftUI:


Here is Marks link to get SwiftUI tips, tricks, news, projects, surveys and more:


Here is Marks link to check out all of his products:


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