Introduction and Overview

Follow me on live photo sessions with individuals, couples, young and older siblings and large and extended families and watch me overcome peoples natural tendencies to sit or stand like statues!Real life indoor and outdoor photo sessions

  • Warts and all posing i.e. some of them don't quite work, and I say why!
  • Mostly non-model real live people, like you and me.
  • Create beautiful family photos by getting your lovely subjects into more natural, relaxed and flattering positions
  • Practice the easy steps in this course and it will pay huge dividends in your portraits
  • PDF crib sheets are available for most of lectures, keep them with you

Models aside, the majority of us are not aware of our natural and unconscious body positions and so we don't present ourselves as well as we might. Most of us tend not to be concerned with where or how we place our hands and arms, tilt our heads, or position our feet. This course shows how to overcome this problem.

Posing is a powerful skill that will transform your portrait, understand the basic dynamics of a good pose, and then you can create your own.

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